It’s Not a Fashion Show: Dress Codes in the Health Industry
Whether you are a dentist, doctor, optometrist, or have another profession in the health care industry, it is important to dress appropriately for work. Not only does wearing the right clothes make you look professional, but it can also help you follow certain regulations. Establishing dress codes for your employees is a must if you want to keep everyone safe.
How do you allow your employees to dress in your dentist office? In casual or business wear? Depending on what kind of perception you want to come across to patients, a happy medium can show your services are valuable and trustworthy. Here are some tips to help you convey the message you want to in your office through clothing:
- Wear polished dress shoes or loafers for a clean look.
- Create a uniform that follows OSHA regulations. This can include lab coats, which can make anyone look professional.
- Wear professional looking dress pants that are a solid color.
- Have employees wear quality dress shirts or blouses that aren’t multicolored or have crazy patterns.
- Basic grooming is a must. This includes staying on top of clean skin, nails, and hair.
- All body and mouth odor should be maintained and neutral. Avoid perfumes or mouth wash that are too strong or may be sensitive to patients’ noses.
- Never allow your employees to smoke near or on the premises. The smell of smoke is inappropriate in a dentist office.
At Professional Insurance Plans, we hope these tips help your employees maintain a neat, clean, and professional appearance on the job. Now that you have established some dress code rules, do you know if your employees are equipped with a complete and comprehensive life insurance package? If not, we can help you. This policy is critical for those in the workforce, especially employees who are married. As a business owner, showing you care about your employees’ well-being and financial goals can encourage them to care more about your company. So get started today!